Becky and Askand
Hackney Sweetheats
Becky was the first friend I met at university in London, we moved into halls together and spent many a 'slug day' eating jacket potatoes, watching Neighbours and visiting art galleries (we did actually do some work too) 12 years later and a lot older eeek, naturally I was excited to be a part of Becky's big day. Becky and her handsome husband Askand chose the April Easter weekend to be married.. well you can't beat marrying the love of your life AND chocolate eggs all in one weekend!

It was an early start for me on a sunny Saturday in Becky's quirky flat in Hackney. I had quite a bit to do including getting ready myself too. Its not often I get to enjoy the full day of a wedding I work at.
Starting with Beckys hair I set it in curls pinned to the head using my corioliss wand. This way you can take the hair down last minute and the curls last all day. I created a french plait over the top of Becky's head and we kept her strong straight fringe leaving us the perfect space for her flower garland to sit.

I used MAC Studio sculpt foundation as a base, along with MAC mini full coverage concealers under the eyes. Becky wanted a natural fresh look so I used eyeshadows from Stilla along with some individual eyelashes and black liquid liner.
I added a pink flush to the cheeks and shimmer along the highlight areas. Lips were left dusky pink.

Placing the flower garland onto Becky's head. I think this photo shows the beginning of some sneeky wedding isle nerves.

Last little touches, checking all my pins are tucked in and sneaking some curls into my own hair below.

Travelling in style to Stoke Newington registry in a London wedding taxi. Carrying a gorgeous bouquet of vibrant easter colours.

Finally the time has come after all that prep.. Bridesmaids are looking super happy and also very cute!!

You may kiss the bride..

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Purbhoo..

The recepetion was held at the West Resevoir Centre, a great open space with a buffet of indian food and tons of space for dancing into the evening.

A few little snaps from my phone..

Wedding morning nerves.
The happy couple walking to their reception
One last pic as Miss Fish eeek!
University fun.

The Honey moon in Mexico..